martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Field trip in the coast of Pichilemu

My field trip in the coast of Pichilemu was very intense, with a long time studing in terrain the problems relatives to organizations in the society, Economy Institutions and the work of the municipality, about of the catastrophe product of Tsunami and Earthquake in the zone visited.
The first day the activities was the observations and determination in the field on the problems.
The second day many activities with classmattes, about the diversity area in the coast. The identification of differences and distribution of the economic activities in the area.
finally the last day in the Pichilemu all my classmattes were very tireds, because the field trip was strong.
I learnt near of field trip in pichilemu many things in realtion to the course of “Gestion integrada de zonas costeras” .
this trip was very interesting for to inform about the economic activities of the population, the social organization and the mode of work of the government institutions in the area, also on the municipality. The activities in the coast and his significance for the persons that be living in the zone.
I like the coast of Pichilemu but not I would like to live in this place because is in general colder and there is more wind that is cold.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Maricel, I think the same think that you, because we had the same research...
    Was a good trip


  2. jajajaa xD I don't like remember this flied trip... jajaja
    the better was the party! :P

    regards for youu!*
